PROPHET aims to define a roadmap for the adoption of Personalised Prevention (PP) approaches into EU health system, while taking into account effectiveness, efficacy and equity in access. Our end product is to define a Strategic Research Innovation Agenda (SRIA) in co-creation with all the stakeholders surrounding PP.
We started our work by writing a Concept Paper, based on mapping the literature and current practices and programs in the field, and the results from questionnaires and interviews with key stakeholders.
It illustrates the synergies and interactions between the three levels of prevention (primary-secondary-tertiary) and the three levels of data (Bio-, individual-, contextual) (fig.1) in order to prevent common chronic diseases. Thus, we need to go beyond genomics, and need to approach not just “patients”, but also “citizens” going about their lives in their socioeconomic environments.
We organized a workshop with partners and key stakeholders in connection with the Spanish EU presidency event “Personalised Medicine, the evolution of healthcare for improving people’s lives” in Valencia 2023, where we presented the Concept paper and the process for SRIA development as well as preliminary results of the mapping activities that will feed the full SRIA development.
Read the full document HERE