Personalized Prevention approach in PROPHET
“PROPHET – a PeRsOnalised Prevention roadmap for the future HEalThcare” will develop a Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda (SRIA) for Personalised Prevention, in order to support the implementation of innovative, sustainable and effective personalised programmes to prevent common chronic diseases. Technological biomedical advances (including omics data and digital tools) make risk stratification at the individual level possible. PROPHET will be centred around stakeholder engagement and the SRIA co-creation process.
The consortium consists of 18 beneficiaries and 2 affiliated entities across 12 EU Countries, and a large number of stakeholders already engaged from different Target Groups.
The overall objective of PROPHET is co-create with stakeholders a Personalised Prevention Roadmap for the future healthcare, in order to support the definition and implementation of innovative, sustainable and high-quality personalised strategies that are effective in preventing chronic diseases.
Greater insights from genomics / other omics data and increased funding and attention on personalised medicine (PM) in general hold the potential to usher in a new era of Personalised Prevention that can have a major impact on health care. In order to fulfil this promise, we need to approach Personalised Prevention by taking into account contributions deriving from previous and current initiatives in the field and scale them up in an integrated approach across three levels genomics/biomarkers, individual behaviour and environmental/societal factors, and let the approach be influenced by relevan stakeholders.
PROPHET will also liaise with other key current and forthcoming initiatives on PM at EU level, such as ICPerMed, European Partnership (EP) PerMed, the CSA Beyond 1 Million Genomes (B1MG), and the EP on Transforming Health and Care Systems.
PROPHET key principles of implementation
The PROPHET action is developed along the following key drivers:
- Co-creation approach, stakeholder engagement: Stakeholder engagement is a key driver in the action. The overall action governance is built around the involvement of stakeholders that will be actively engaged in the PROPHET activities and in the definition of the SRIA.
- A Strategic Orientation (through SRIA) towards effective uptake and scale up: Designing of Personalised Prevention Programmes should be aligned with European values and have a strategic orientation towards EU and international goals: equal access to innovative, sustainable and high-quality health care, health systems resilience, as well as improved health outcomes.
- Coordinated, harmonised and comprehensive research: A coordinated process that reviews stakeholders’ needs and perspectives as well as strong evidences from research is considered crucial to reach a consensus on the topics and actions necessary to develop effective approaches in Personalised Prevention.
- Evidence Based Policy Making: Evidence-based policy making is necessary to support policy makers and providers of services in making better decisions and achieve better outcomes as well as increase the trust of citizens toward public decision and therefore improve the adherence of citizens to prevention programmes