Noncommunicable diseases (NCDs), also known as chronic diseases, are responsible for 80% of the disease burden which will continue to grow given the aging population and are the main cause of death. The majority of NCDs are preventable or can be delayed through interventions across the lifespan on the modifiable risk factors. By taking advantage of the improvement in understanding individual biomarkers, behavior and socio-economic risk profiles, and combining these types of information with individual lifestyle and environmental level interventions, this revolution aims to realize prevention strategies leading to both longer healthy life and potential cost savings.
Personalized prevention (PP) revolves around the concept that the adoption of actions targeted to individuals in a population according to their risk might achieve better health outcomes compared to the traditional approaches. This is where the PROPHET project will contribute, by developing a Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda (SRIA) for PP in order to support the implementation of innovative, sustainable and effective personalized programs to prevent common chronic diseases. The value proposition of PP is thus to use lessons from PM and to extend the precision also to health promotion and prevention.
The final objective is to release a clear implementation path that all EU Member States can follow when introducing evidence based effective and efficient PP intervention for the benefit of population health and better functioning healthcare.
This publication “Concept paper on Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda” is the first step towards the SRIA development that will be developed together with stakeholders and it gives a clear overview of preliminary results that will feed the final SRIA.
Read the “Concept paper on Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda (SRIA), December 2023”