PROPHET, in collaboration with IC2PerMed and ENRICH GLOBAL Health Innovation Group, organised a webinar “Through tailored healthcare to happy living – how personalised medicine transforms our health systems? Insights from international initiatives” which received great expert attendance.
It was a premiere event ! Around eighty participants from all over the world and from different organisations (universities, Health institutions, networks and companies) exchanged during the webinar that took place on 12 December 2023. “Personalised medicine and prevention ” were the two main themes around which this webinar was articulated and it aimed to :
- Present the three initiatives and some key results developed by each one.
- Exchange and share experiences on different PM approaches and international collaboration in PM
- Bring in the perspective of policy makers, researchers and innovators and identify future topics of interest for international partners to be shared with the international PM initiatives, such as ICPerMed and EP PerMed.
The first session set the scene by introducing the ENRICH GLOBAL Health Innovation Thematic Group and was followed by a presentation of the EU Partnership THCS – Transforming Healthcare Systems and the newly launched European Partnership for Personalised Medicine (EP PerMed) and its complementarity to ICPerMed.
The second session was dedicated to the IC2PerMed project and as the project came to an end (December 2023) it was an opportunity to look back at some key results achieved during the past three years and also to give an overview of the current state of PM in China. The third session of the webinar was dedicated to presenting results from the PROPHET project: Prof. Stefania Boccia, PROPHET coordinator from UCSC provided an overview of initial project results gathered through mapping exercises and Prof. Stefan Swartling from Karolinska Institutet (KI), gave an overview of the recently published “PROPHET Concept paper”.
Key take aways :
- PM is part of EU strategies, including for international cooperation and prevention
- Large initiatives are working on the underlying question of Transforming Healthcare Systems and also a possible paradigm shift from care to prevention
- Important strategic documents are being co-created and are partly already available (e.g. the ICPermed Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda, IC2Permed Roadmap, PROPHET Concept Paper)
- PM is of importance in the international context as well, e.g. in China several national health strategies are in place which are of importance to precision medicine and related infrastructures are set up
- Stakeholders are strongly invited to contribute to the work, many initiatives offer not only networking but also co-creation activities and provide relevant platforms for exchange, e.g. the PROPHET Forum or the ENRICH GLOBAL Health Innovation Community
The webinar provided simultaneous translation services into Chinese; video recordings are also available, both in English (here) and Chinese (here).
All the material used during the webinar can be consulted below :
Session 1. Setting the scene
Introduction of ENRICH GLOBAL Health Innovation Thematic Group and its International Expert Forum for Health Innovation Mathilde De Bonis, APRE, Italy Eva Fadil, G.A.C. Group, France
Opportunities for cooperation on PM in Horizon Europe and the approach to PM and prevention in the EU Partnership THCS – Transforming Healthcare Systems. Interview to the THCS Coordination Team by: Caterina Buonocore, Horizon Europe NCP for Health/Infrastructures/JRC, APRE (Italy)
The newly launched European Partnership for Personalised Medicine EP PerMed and its complementarity to ICPerMed: introduction and opportunities for future involvement in the international activities Dr. Gianni D’Errico, Fondazione Toscana Life Sciences, EP PerMed responsible for international collaboration, and Vice-Chair of ICPerMed Dr. Monika Frenzel, ANR France, ICPerMed Secretariat
Session 2. Personalised Medicine collaboration between Europe and China: opportunities and challenges (IC2PerMed)
How PM research and policy collaborations between the EU and China could be fostered? Presentation of the IC2PerMed Roadmap Prof. Stefania Boccia, coordinator, Università Cattolica Del Sacro Cuore (UCSC), Italy
An Overview of Current Precision Medicine Landscape in China Dr. Wenya Wang, Director, Biologic Therapy Research Center of Beijing, Tshinghua Changgung Hospital Project Director, IC2PerMed, China
Paving the way for EU-China collaboration in biobanking Dr. Maike Tauchert, Biobanking and BioMolecular Resources Research Infrastructure – European Research Infrastructure Consortium (BBMRI-ERIC), Austria
Practical Experience and Insights in Supporting Precision Medicine at the Shenzhen China National GeneBank Dr. Xin Jin, BGI Research, Deputy Director, China
Session 3. Towards a Personalised Prevention Roadmap in Europe: a co-creation process (PROPHET)
PROPHET: a stakeholder co-created roadmap for informed policy making Prof. Stefania Boccia, UCSC, coordinator Univesità Cattolica Del Sacro Cuore (UCSC), Italy
PROPHET Concept paper on personalized prevention – towards the European roadmap: presentation and interactive discussion with the audience, including Q&A Prof. Stefan Swartling, Karolinska Institute, Sweden